Friday, July 30, 2010

Farewell Dinner...

Pura Vida!! Our stay at Catie has been wonderful. We are at our farewell dinner and will be showing off our Salsa moves with the Graduate Students tonight. On Monday we had a hot and heavy dance session with Dr. Vargas's wife. Everyone is dressed up in nice attire and ready to impress.

This week we visited organic food businesses. On Monday we visited APOT, an organic coffee business and we got to make and package our own coffee. On Tuesday we had Lunch with a family farm business. They called themselves La Florasite. And we leaned how they managed their business. An important factor of their success is due to the fact there is no middle man. The family saves a lot of money this way.

We were told to think about what we learned from our trip so far. Collectively all of us understand the importance of having sustainable lifestyles and will make the effort to use more organic products and wear more sustainable clothing. We will also make the effort to be more aware of the food we eat!

So, it is almost time to start our dance off!!

Until next time,
Pura Vida :)

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